November 29, 2011

New Episodes won't air till 2012

During December episodes "Targets", "Terrors", and "Homefront" will air on Cartoon Network but not every Friday. "Targets" will air on the 9th, "Terrors" on the 16th, and "Homefront" on the 30th. The reason is because Cartoon Network decided to air a special program and movie during December..

So we'll get to watch new episodes sometime in 2012. Once season 1 is over, there is no telling when season 2 will air. I think it'll air sometime near summer season because occasionally TV show seasons are spaced out and I don't think the producers are done with season 2 yet.

I'm sure a lot of us YJ fans are disappointed that we won't be able to watch new episodes till 2012, I know I'm disappointed but not that shocked. CN has done this before, which is kind of confusing because even on their website it was shown that Young Justice was one of their popular shows. I wonder if they do that to other shows? Even if there is special programmings and movies, the episodes CN does show should be new ones, not repeats. But I do love every YJ episode but we can always watch old episodes online anytime, but not new ones (duh lol).

My friend Kayla G. (who is also a YJ fan) went to the Cartoon Network website and left a complaint/opinion about the way the network handles Young Justice. I think that's a great idea and I'll probably do that too, once I'm done with my homework lol.

Anyways, how do you all feel about this? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. For the comment section you can choose any of the options like Anonymous, Name (you don't have to put anything in the URL sections), and so on.

Thanks to my friend and YJ fan Juan M. for bringing the episode line-up to my attention <3!

November 28, 2011

Comic Uno's Young Justice issue 10 Review

Here is Comic Uno's most recent Young Justice comic issue review. Issue #10 is the latest issue, so I thought it would be helpful to post her review so us YJ fans can know what's its all about :) Comic Uno has tons of reviews on Young Justice and other DC comics heroes, to see her YouTube channel click here!

November 27, 2011

Cartoon Network Airing "Targets" (again)

Mistress Of Robins brought to my attention that Friday , December 9th, Episode 10 "Targets" will air again. I don't know if reruns will air for awhile or we'll get a new episode soon. I think maybe because Season 1 will be over soon, CN is just repeating episodes. Hopefully we'll get to watch rest of the season soon <3!

November 25, 2011

Poll Results (new polls now up for voting)

"Who Has the Best Costume" and "Should There Be A Live Action(Real Actors) Young Justice Movie" were the latest poll questions. These two questions have the most votes ever! Which is freakin' exciting! So thank you to everyone who voted! But if you did miss the voting, no worries, the newest two polls are open for voting! Here are the results:

For Who Has the Best Costume?....
Robin won first place with 108 votes (44%)
Artemis took second place with 55 votes (22%)
Kid Flash is in third place with 38 votes (15%)
Aqualad came in fourth place with 16 votes (6%)
Superboy took fifth place with 15 votes (6%)
Miss Martian, last but not least, has 12 votes (4%)

For Should There Be A Live Action(Real Actors) Young Justice Movie?....
Young Justice Voice Actors, click to zoom in
Only if there will be good enough actors! is the first place winner with 90 votes (55%)
No those type of movies never work. came in second place with 48 votes (29%)
Yes that would be entertaining! took last place with 23 votes (14%)

Robin Tribute "I'll try, I'll try"

YJ fan Mistress Of Robins made a tribute video to her favorite Young Justice member Robin. The song is from singer and voice actor Jesse McCartney. Here is her message about the video she created:
"This is to Dick Grayson in Young Justice, because he is my favourite character and because, if you listen to the lyrics of this song, YOU KNOW, Jesse plays the right character in the show.
i mean, the lyrics are scarily good to match Robin's feelings."
Click here to see more videos from Mistress of Robins on her YouTube channel.

November 23, 2011

YJ Fanfiction

To Submit your fanfiction stories, email the link at

Stories I recommend reading:

1.) "L'Esprit de l'Escalier" written by FanFiction writer Satellites on Parade.
Summary: Artemis, trapped in the Helmet of Fate, has a little heart-to-heart with Kent Nelson. They both agree that Wally West is a complete idiot. Wally/Artemis
If you would like to read this story click here!

2.) "Anchor" written by FanFiction writer Shade's Ninde.
Summary: Kaldur keeps trying to sacrifice himself for his teammates. Not everyone is pleased with this.
Click here to read!

3.) "Comfort" written by FanFiction writer SaphiraIce.
Summary: Set at the end of "Failsafe," Wally needs to know Artemis is okWould you like to read this story? Then click here!

4.) "Breakaway" written by FanFiction writer Cloaks and Daggers.
Summary: Cheshire asks Artemis to meet her, and Artemis is quickly reminded that family is not just a matter of blood.
To read the story click here!

November 22, 2011

8 Episodes Left!

There are 8 episodes left for Season 1 of Young Justice. The next episodes are:

  • "Misplaced" (ep. 19)
  • "Coldhearted" (ep.20)
  • "Image" (ep.21)
  • "Agendas" (ep.22)
  • "Insecurity" (ep.23)
  • "Performance" (ep.24)
  • "Usual Suspects" (ep.25)
  • "Auld Acquaintance" (ep.26)

I don't know when exactly the new episode will air ("Misplaced"), On the Internet I did come across this comment on another website that said it won't air till 2 weeks! Hopefully that's not true, but I'll keep looking for an airing date.

What do you all think about the next 8 episodes? Any ideas on what might happen based off the title?

November 21, 2011

If Superboy and Superman went to The Maury Show

Here's another video from the hilarious Young Justice fan Krissy Kriss. His YouTube video "Let's Talk Young Justice Superman & Superboy Go To The Maury Show" is freaking funny and I know every will love it!

Oh for some who don't know what The Maury Show is, it's a talk show that mainly focuses on people trying to find out who is the father to their child and or family member.

Krissy Kriss has more YouTube videos on Young Justice, click here to go to his YouTube channel.

November 19, 2011

Episode 18 "Secrets" Review

I just watched the episode because I was out last night and the whole time I was thinking that we're finally going to find out some secrets about the team members. Though no one's past came up, we did get to see new characters, action scenes, and new possibilities.

The beginning scene was very interesting, the audience was introduced to the new villain Harm. To me Harm didn't look scary, he just looked like he too was dressing up for Halloween lol. Plus the whole "third point of view speaking" he was very....non scary for me. But he was an interesting character and I wondered how Artemis and Zatanna was going to defeat him. Also thanks to YJ fan Kayla G. I would of never known he was quoting Beowulf and I studied Beowulf in my British Literature class and still didn't recognize it lol I'm not surprised though, I hated that class :p

The next scene with Wally, Conner, and Megan getting ready for the Halloween party at Happy Harbor High was my most favorite scene. I loved Wally's costume, I thought he did good as Teen Wolf! Megan's costume was a duh lol she would dress like bride, but hey at least she was a zombie bride. Now Conner's costume was hilarious ahaha poor Conner. I thought it was cute when Megan was dressing him as a mummy <3 Which reminds me of Zatanna and Artemis' costumes, I liked Artemis' costume, the vampire look was not what I expected from her, but Zatanna's costume was predictable, she was a witch right?

Now I became confused during the scene when Zatanna asks Artemis if SuperMartian were a couple. Artemis says no but then sees them flirting with each other, she then gets upset. Does Artemis like Conner? Or she is pissed that Megan didn't tell her? My dad told me maybe it's because Artemis likes Megan....but I don't think Cartoon Network would allow a lesbian couple to be shown on their network. So I think it's either the first two options and hopefully Artemis is mad that Megan didn't tell her because I want Artemis to like Wally <3

Oh and before I forget I felt bad for Captain Marvel lol he's always left out!

I want to write about the scene with Batman, Robin, Aqualad, Red Arrow, and Red Tornado. I'm happy they are trying to find out who is the mole and let out the bag that Artemis isn't Green Arrow's niece.  Batman thinks Superboy might be the mole because no one really knows what happened to SB when he was in Cadmus. I do somewhat agree that SB could be the possible mole and  be giving out info without even knowing it but I'm hoping that's not true. Red Arrow was suspicious of Artemis because of her mysterious past and I think he also was suspicious of Miss Martian. When we all heard more about Miss M's past, like how she only met Martian Manhunter 5 months before she came to Earth and that Martian Manhunter has a lot of nieces and nephews, I kind of felt like maybe she had the more possibilities of being the mole but then again she's so nice and good it's really hard to figure if she's the mole or not. Aqualad and Robin seemed distraught over the whole thing and I like that Aqualad was sticking up for the team!

The fighting with Harm, Artemis, and Zatanna was fun to watch :] I really like Artemis, I feel with her character fans can relate to her and plus she's bad ass! Zatanna needs a lot of more practiced in my opinion, I felt like Artemis had to really take control but I do like Zatanna :) I wonder if Robin knew she was around the cave? Though I don't think Harm was a scary villain, his background or past was crazy! Like I can't believe the girl who kept saying "secret" was his sister. That was surely a twist at the end. You know I change my mind, Harm is a scary villain, especially since he did some psychotic shit and killed his own sister. Towards the end after Zatanna and Artemis defeated Harm and promised the ghost girl that they would give her a proper burial, Artemis almost slipped when talking about sisters and how Harm killed his sis, and she seemed very distraught, obviously she was thinking about Cheshire and I think Artemis really cares for her. I was hoping Artemis would open up to Zatanna and Zatanna knew Artemis was lying when she said she didn't have any secrets but I guess we'll just have to wait till Artemis wants to tell about her life. I do think Zatanna and Artemis are going to become a great friends!

Episode 18 was very interesting! Some of my predictions were wrong and some were right but overall there was a lot I didn't expect to happen. What are everyone else's thoughts on this episode? Write them down in the comment section. :]

November 18, 2011

New comic issue!

"Hot Case" is the newest Young Justice comic issue that goes on sale on January 1st, 2012. This issue is about:

Captain Atom's cold-case assignment is definitely heating up: The true killer has resurfaced to target anyone who might expose the truth about the murder of General Lemar back in 1968 – and that includes each and every member of the Team!

You can go to to see the other 9 issues that's been out. What do you guys think about this newest comic issue?

November 17, 2011

Young Justice Google Search History

YouTuber and YJ fan Deanna aka pkdee87 made a Google Search History video. I love these videos, I always find it fun to try and guess which character would write what on Google. To view more videos from Deanna click the mouse here!

November 16, 2011

Young Justice Art

"Young Justice -- Gender Bender" created by DeviantART artist kiotsukatanna. Click here to see more art from kiotsukatnna on her DeviantART homepage!

"Teammates" created by DevaintART artist RandomAwesomeWeirdo. To view more art from RandomAwesomeWeirdo go to her DeviantART homepage by clicking here!

"Robin and Zatanna" made by DeviantART artist FantasticYaoi. Go check out more art from FantasticYaoi on her DeviantART homepage. Click here!

"Wolf and Superboy" made by DeviantART artist SheliHay. Want to look at more art from SheliHay? Then click here to go to her DeviantART homepage!

To get a closer look of the photos just click on them :)

November 15, 2011

Episode 18 "Secrets" Sneak Peak!

New episode images!

Here are the images  to "Secrets", the episode airing this Friday! OMG, this episode will be EPIC!

Is Miss Martian a zombie bride? lol she would choose that! Oh Conner, a mummy? And Wally love the Teen Wolf look ahaha ;)

Got the info from worldsfinestonline.

November 14, 2011

New Episode

The newest episode "Secrets" will air this Friday November 18th, episode 18 is about, Artemis and Zatanna, on Halloween, go to Manhattan for a night on the town, only to be hunted by Harm, a psycho-in-training, hiding a deadly secret!

I'm extremely excited for this episode! I'm sure Artemis and Zatanna being together will make episode 18 entertaining :) Plus this is a Halloween episode so I'm assuming Artemis and Zatanna are probably going to be dressed in costumes, lol I wonder what the two will dress like?!

Any predictions on what might happen in "Secrets"? Also do think any of the team member's secrets will be revealed?

November 12, 2011

My Review On Episode 17 "Disordered"!

My review of "Disordered"! Ignore my pronunciation of Sphere, I couldn't say it right lol. And I would love to know what others think about the episode!

November 11, 2011

Young Justice Episode 17 "Disordered"



Birthday Shout Out!

I would like to give a birthday shout out to Young Justice fan Juan M.! I found this awesome picture of Miss M. with a cake lol thought you would like that Juan :) Anyways I hope you have an awesome day, have fun,  and enjoy watching the new YJ episode on your birthday (lucky!) :] Once again Happy Birthday <3

The picutre is from

November 10, 2011

YJ Cave Twitter

I made a Twitter page for YJ Cave where readers can get Young Justice updates from another social media website. Everyone can click the "Follow Me" button on the left side or you can click the link:!/YJBlogger to check out the Twitter page :) The Twitter page @YJ Blogger gives daily updates that can be sent to your mobile phone and other electronic devices!

YJ Cave twitter!

November 9, 2011

Young Justice playing cards

I thought this was cool and wanted to share it!

 There are more playing cards

November 8, 2011

Episode 17 this Friday!

"Disordered" is the 17th episode of Young Justice which will air this Friday (on Nov.11th). The episode is about

Conner Kent's pet Sphere has undergone a startling transformation, bringing it to the attention of the forever people of New Genesis. Turns out Sphere originally belonged to them... and they want it back!

"Disordered" is written by Andrew Robinson.

I'm very curious to see where this episode is going to go because for awhile I was wondering when Superboy's pet was going to get more attention. I mean the sphere pretty much popped out of nowhere. Even my father is suspicious of Superboy's pet! What is everyone else's thoughts on episode 17 and what do you hope to see happen?

November 7, 2011

Another "Failsafe" review

Young Justice fan Krissy Kriss did a review for "Failsafe". Let me tell you, this is such a hilarious and awesome review! I loved it so I had to share it on the blog :] Krissy Kriss does other reviews on his YouTube channel TheSirkShow247. Click here to go to his channel and see/watch the reviews! This is a must watch!

Also I would like to write that if anyone does a written and/or video review and would like to share it on YJ Cave, contact me and I'll put it up.

November 6, 2011

Cosplay: Young Justice style

"Fighting" by DeviantART cosplayer doudi. I really like the costumes and I think the concept of this photo is something Robin and Kid Flash would probably do ;) To see more cosplay photos from doudi, click here!

"NYCC11: Aqualad" by DeviantART cosplayer Destiny-Crisis. His cosplay version of Aqualad is awesome! The weapons look really good and the tattoos look great too! Check out more of Destiny-Crisis' cosplay photos by clicking here!

"Best Buds" by DeviantART cosplayer ritsuko-chan. Who doesn't love bromance between Rob and KF? I know I do :) ritsuko-chan and her friend did great job cosplaying Robin and Kid Flash! To view more cosplay photos from ritsuko-chan click here!

"Young Justice" by cosplayer innovators. Love this picture, everyone's costumes look awesome. Plus I like the way they standing and how the photo is edited! Click here to see/view more cosplays from innovators!

Young Justice Episode 16 Review

November 4, 2011

Young Justice FanFiction

I accept Young Justice fanfiction to be shared on YJ Cave, so if anyone would like to share their fan fic stories or a recommend a store contact me :] The four fanfiction stories down below are some of the stories I've read recently and really liked. If you like the stories too don't forget to review them and favorite the author on!

1.) "Because He's Batman" written by FanFiction writer Just Another Fanfiction Nerd.
Summary: Based on Aqualad's reason for Batman's awesomeness in Alpha Male Because Batman is...Batman.
Like to read this story? Then click here!

2.) "How to Love" written by FanFiction writer Sammy1792
Summary: Set right after Alpha Male. Aqualad is struggling with his role as leader when he gets an unexpected visitor. Kaldur/Artemis.
Click here to read the story!

3.) "Daddy Bats" written by FanFiction writer and that's all she wrote.
Summary: "Everyone knew that Robin and Batman, the Dynamic Duo, had a bond very few could challenge. But the true extent-how deep the connection went-was a little harder to define." :: Robin and Batman, son/father dynamic. Fluff.
Be directed to the story by clicking here!

4.) "Advice" written by FanFiction writer dublindarling.
Summary: Robin goes to Artemis for girl advice. Because you should just ignore whatever Wally has to say on the subject. Robin/Zatanna and slight Spitfire.
Interested in reading this Fanfic story? Then click here!

November 3, 2011

Young Justice Updates from Producer Greg Weisman

These updates are from his website Ask Greg. On Ask Greg, you can also ask hims questions about Young Justice and other shows he has done. Click here to go to Greg's website.

YJ Update
101-115 have aired.
116-125 are all in the can, ready to air.126 is in post-production.
201-206 are being animated in Korea.
207-209 are recorded and are in storyboard and design.
210-211 are partially recorded and are in storyboard and design.
212 has a first draft script waiting for notes.
213 has an outline approved waiting for me to script.
214 has an outline that I should finish editing tonight.
215 has an outline waiting for me to read and edit.
216-220 are all in outline based on approved beatsheets.
0-9 have all been on sale.
10 is shipped.
11 is being penciled.
12 is being penciled.
13 is scripted.
14 is in script.
15 has been plotted.

November 1, 2011

6 inch Aqualad Action Figure

Here is a video review done by YouTubers actionfiguretimes about the Mattel 6inch Aqualad figure. I've posted some of their other video reviews, you can find it under the archives. They also do other reviews on other characters, here is the link to their YouTube channel: .