July 2, 2011

Fan Art

"Lost In Thought" created by DeviantART artist jemallman. Wow, I love this! Superboy's eyes are so pretty ;) The artist did such a perfect job on this art piece! Here is the link to jemallman's DeviantART homepage so you can check out more of his art: http://jemallman.deviantart.com/

"SWEEEEETS" created by DeviantART artist MissionComplete. This is soo CUTE! When I first saw this I knew I wanted to share it with everyone :) The style of the art is amazing! To view more of MissionComplete's art, go to her DeviantART homepage: http://missioncomplete.deviantart.com/

"The Flash and Kid Flash" by wolfram003. These two are my favorite mentor and partner ;) Evey thing looks great and the colors are really vibrant. I'm sure a lot of ppl will buy this art photo at a convention :) To see more of wolfram003's art, go to her DeviantART homepage: http://wolfram003.deviantart.com/

"Wally Cake" created by DeviantART artist puppip. Yummy! This is so effin' awesome! To bad my bday past cus I would of loved to have this as my cake :) The cake looks just like Wally, so cool! To see more art and tasty treats from puppip, visit her DeviantART homepage: http://puppip.deviantart.com/

"Choo Choo Train" created by DeviantART artist emisa. Hilarious :] lol I can soo totally see this happening, and you know SB likes it hahaha. Awesome drawing and I love seeing artists coming up with  creative ideas! To check out more art from emisa, click the link to go to her DeviantART homepage:

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