March 12, 2012


Alright, if you hate spoilers then I advise you not to watch this video. But if you do like spoilers, then watch the video :]. The video is so "laugh out loud" and weird at the same time. The audio is fake but the video/clip is real! I do not know what episode this is but hopefully it's soon because I want to know what it being said.

Thank you Schmidt B. for sharing the video with me :)!


  1. Is Miss Martian. The episode has been exhibited in Brazil and Turkey.

    1. Awesome, I am glad you gave us a link.

    2. Since Dinah and Megan did not know was reassuring point to the end of the matter, I trust that the authors carry on the line! I hope the second season when you really fall in the sheathed!

  2. How do I find this on YouTube

    1. On the video click the button that says "YouTube".

  3. LMFAO, SLUT! (the dubbing...oh the dubbing)
    I wonder when this happens?! But who can really blame her?

    They sure it ain't M'Gann? Maybe they're into some really freaky roll playing, fantasy stuff?

    1. Lol the dubbing was cool :). My friend has already watched the episode and he says it is M'gann. I guess they might be into the whole roll playing/fantasy stuff....awkward to be filmed and have Batman see it!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Awkward to have anyone see it.
      Don't you think that's a bad idea for her to play w/her bf like that? Making herself look, sound, and act like another woman? May put unfaithful thoughts in his mind though Black Canary would never do that to Oliver w/Konner.

      Omg, there are so many questions like is THIS M'Gann's big secret that she's a TV show star or maybe more likely she's based her human self on a TV character she's fond of?
      Makes me wonder if she is ever just herself? It's a question we can all ask ourselves when it comes to what we want others to see.
      I don't want to spoil it, but I'm leaving Sat. morning anyways so I'm checking it out! Despite not knowing wtf they're saying I'll figure it out, lol.
      Thanks for the linkage!

    4. lol hotter woman. M'gann should have known better that if you're acting like someone else you better not do shit that could get the "real" person in trouble. Lol and theres camera's around, duh!

      I watched a few seconds of the intro but I had to turn it off, I need to wait this Saturday, though I am extremely curious about what's going on.

    5. Sry for posting 2 comments I thought the 1st was lost, bc I had to log in to post & it didn't tell me otherwise, lol. *deleted it*

      I did watch the new ep. & on your epic b-day I'll let you know it is epic!
      Won't say much else, don't want to spoil, just want to get you more hyped, lol.

      Though it did leave me w/quite a few BIG questions despite have most answered. Have to say "I knew it!" or I think I know it... Guess I rly need English audio for that :P
      I wonder if any scenes were cut, bc the plot looks simple, goes fast, & scenes almost jump 1 to the next. Maybe it's just me? We'll see.

      Did you notice there are a few, very short, deleted scenes posted on youtube of past eps? Never knew there were any.

    6. Is this Jo?
      And lol it's ok, sometimes I think people think their comment went through because it doesn't show right away, but that's only because I have to approve of it first.

      I'm in my school's library right now freaking grinning like a crazy girl lol I'm so hyped!

      How was it watching it in Turkish? It's cool that other countries are showing it. Well the last episode I felt went by quick, left me feeling there should of been more stuff.

      I didn't know that, hmm I feel like there is a lot of things going on and I'm trying to catch up to it lol!

    7. Yus, this tis your infamous Jo, lol.

      Watching it in Turkish was...interesting? The dubbing is pretty rough & they talk very fast to fit it. It didn't sound like they exclaimed anything so their tones were pretty much the same except for whoever played Black Canary. I think their Robin was close to our own, but their Conner had a higher voice than what I'm used to hearing, lol.
      I know watchig it again in English is going to be like watching it for the 1st time, bc despite seeing what happens there is so much back & forth about M'Gann's secrets it almost drove me nuts not being able to decipher.

      You're right. It feels like they're pushing the plots, trying to fit a lot of action in between the longer dialogue. With more characters joining the cast it does leave w/less time in an ep.
      This is the only deleted scene I've seen so far:

  4. have u seen the hello megan intro??!!

    1. I saw a little bit of the video, but then I got too excited so I had to turn it off lol. Thank you for the link!

    2. Oops sorry if I spoiled it or something!!
      ...actually i saw the intro and couldn't stop
      watching it lol
      wait...dats M'gann???O_O

    3. No you didn't, I prefer to watch spoilers but since the new episode will be on my birthday I want it to be a surprise. And lol that's what my friend told me, he's seen the episode already. I wonder how the adults will handle this....situation ahaha.

    4. oh really HAPPY EARLY B-DAY!!!
      Yeah I just watched the episode some hours ago too!!
      In turkish with english subtitles...but i have an excuse...since I live in Mexico I have to wait like hours for someone to upload the episodes online so I can watch them!!
      ...aaaand I couldn't resist!!!I'd already watched to much spoilers haha :)

    5. Thank you ;D!
      That's cool you're from Mexico, my grandma is from there!
      And since you have to wait some hours, it's best to watch it now :) Is there only spoilers for ep. 19 and 20?

    6. Yup I just moved here some months ago sooo u can imagine how hard it was for me to have to watch some old episodes in spanish...I still cringe at their voices...XD
      I think there are more spoilers for other episodes but I've decided not to find out since I like to be surprised...I made a promise to my self to not spoil future episodes for my self!!!:D

    7. Cool, did you use to live in America? And yeah I agree, I'll watch promo clips that Cartoon Network lets out but other things that are leaked are sometimes hard for me to watch because I still want that excitement when the new episode comes on.

    8. Yeah, in Washington in a small town called Prosser.
      Kind of a shock to go from such a cold place to a hot, palm tree filled place lol
      Exactly how I feel!!!Usally I only see spoilers by after i spoiled most of episode 21 (Image) for myself I decided to stay away from tumblr and youtube for a while lol
      By the way since I didn't get to say this before
      I totally love this blog!!!You do a great job with it!!!

  5. OMGOSH!!! WTF was that???????? Jeezz, I just dont know what to say! I'm in shock! I know that they don't have an affair, probably is a fake couple, but, even thinking in this way... O.O! Is just a SHOCK scene! What episode this scene is from?! I'm so curious!

    1. Haha I know, I was confused for awhile. My friend told me that it's actually M'gann and it airs this weekend.

  6. Episode 25 has been exhibeted at Brazil. Episode 26 will be exhibeted next monday.

    It iwll be impossible to control the spoilers, these episodes are being posted at internet...

    I advice to learn portuguese....


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