March 19, 2012

Season 2: Invasions Trailer

I know tons of fans are excited for the new characters like Blue Beetle and Lagoon Boy. Also in the trailer there are some scenes for future episodes. Season 2 will air on TV at the end of April. Enjoy the trailer :)!


  1. Yes! This looks amazing! As amazin as the Flying Graysons!! Lovin your mask Dickie Bird! Lol I am so happy you put this up! Thank you!!! XD

  2. What characters they've shown so far are you looking forward to seeing most now?
    Or think they may use?

    I remember Lobo, he was hilarious in other DC shows. I can't wait to see what they do with him if he's bad or good. Then again I've never seen anything with Lagoon Boy so that'll be interesting!

    Don't want to let anything slide, but I know which ep. Rocket shows up in now, lol.

    1. I'm looking forward to Blue Beetle and it would be cool if Wondergirl was in it too.

      I too don't know about Lagoon Boy, I wonder if he and Aqaulad can swim together lol.

    2. Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming...! lol

  3. Our season is going to be awesome, I'm excited to arrive in April but nothing flash and artemis kid that is not confirmed for this season.

  4. So excited for this!! I hope they put Donna in as Wondergirl...I would be very angry if Cassie came in and busted up SuperMartian...

    1. Yeah SuperMartian is so cute together and I think the two characters really fit with each other.

  5. I geeked out so bad when I saw this, epecially when the Graysons showed up (Obsessed? Me? Noooo . . .). And the part with Artemis and Red Arrow makes me happy, I don't know why, but it does. Really looking forward to April now.


    1. Lol yaaaaaaaaay not the only one who spazzed over Dick's backstory XDD


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