April 14, 2012

Review On Episode 25 "Usual Suspects"

“Usual Suspects” is one of those episodes that are exhilarating to watch, wondering how the characters are going to solve the next problem and save themselves and their team members. Episode 25 is one of my favorites from season one. There are lots of reasons why I liked this episode and I wrote what scenes/moments that really caught my attention and were very entertaining.

To start off the first thing that I noticed was the new team member Rocket! Anyone Young Justice fan that talks to me knows how much I’ve been wanting to see her character have some dialogue. I feel like I have waited forever, which I kind of have. Rocket, though she is the new girl, comes off confident and a little feisty. I see her personality being the mixture of Artemis and Zantanna’s. With Rocket’s powers and abilities she will be able to help the team tremendously in battles.  I noticed the hint of attraction to Aqaulad from her, I wonder if that is going to be developed in future episodes or if the relationships on the team are enough. Rocket’s mentor, Icon, seems great and I plan on researching more about him, especially since it seems like him and Rocket have a great relationship. Overall I was ecstatic to see Rocket and though there is only one episode left, I can’t wait to see her in action in season two.

Finally Red Arrow got what he’s been pissed about not getting – being inducted into the Justice League. He and five other superheroes were part of the induction ceremony. Did anyone hear one of the reporters ask Green Arrow how he felt about Red Arrow not being his sidekick or something along those lines? It reminded me how in episode 1 one of the bystanders was asking what Red Arrow's, who was called Speedy at the time, superhero nickname was and pointed out how his nickname made no sense. I love how the writers of the show put quick hilarious dialogue that can only be heard if you pay attention.

Another scene I enjoyed was the battle scene with the team, Cheshire, and the Riddle (plus the other bad guys). Once again Superboy went into ‘I need my drugs’ mood and used his last patch of extra powers. Obviously the extra powers make it harder for him to control his emotions and caused him to beat one of the villains so hard that the side of the mountain almost hit Artemis, luckily Cheshire was there to knock her out of the way. This brings me to Artemis and Cheshire; I love those two characters, they represent the struggle between making good and bad choices but still save one another when the other sister is in danger. I thought it was a sweet moment when Cheshire saved Artemis and told her that she is her sister and didn’t want her to die. I think that most defiantly strengthened their complex bond with each other. Aqualad and Rocket looked super awesome fighting and Rocket’s abilities were shown more like her flying and shielding herself. Can’t forget about Robin, Kid Flash, and Miss Martian, they too kicked ass.

To me one of the biggest moments in this week’s episode was the final battle scene with the team and some of the top villains. It started off right after the first battle when the team went back to headquarters. After the adult superheroes left to the WatchTower Aqualad tried to confront Superboy with his anger problems and then Lex Luthor summoned for SB to meet him. The next thing we see is Superboy meeting up with Lex Luthor and the other villains are there too. Then a helicopter comes with Cheshire and Artemis and Artemis pretty much says that she’ll be joining her father and sister. I was like “NO!” and I was worried that Artemis really did switch sides. Then Miss Martian comes and that’s when I thought those three were going rogue and I was wondering how the rest of the team was going to beat them if they had to battle. Lex Luthor continued to mess with SB and everyone was going to leave when one of the villains planned on hurting SB and Artemis stepped in not allowing SB’s mind to be hurt. Then it was revealed that earlier before SB went to meet Lex Luthor he told his team about the patch he uses and Lex Luthor being his father. I thought it was funny how everyone was acting when they were told Lex Luthor was SB’s father, their facial expressions were priceless. Artemis too revealed her secret about her family and Robin had already known stating he is a detective. It was honorable for Robin to keep Artemis’ secret and not judge her for who she was related too. Miss Martian let out her biggest secret and showed her team her true form. I noticed how Kid Flash, Artemis, Robin, and Rocket all showed their surprised but Aqualad just stood there looking calm like he always does. He too said comforting words to MM and SB told her that he already knew her true form from the images that she showed him when they were in Biyalia. It was very sweet that SB accepted MM for who she was and I’m once again rooting for their relationship. Going back to the battle, the team had a plan to ambush and help Superboy, Artemis, and Miss Martian. The one of the emotional parts of the battle was when Sportsmaster was trying to get Artemis and told her he didn’t like disobedience and she replied that she and Cheshire basically had to learn that the hard way. Plus it was it was deep and epic when Sportsmaster was caught in the tar looking liquid and Cheshire wouldn’t help because every woman for herself.  Kid Flash and Artemis agree to use Sportsmaster’s mask as a souvenir. Nice!

The second important moment was at the WatchTower when Red Arrow stuck that object on to Batman and it turned out that the rest of the Justice League at the WatchTower also had the object on them. When I saw Red Arrow do that to Batman, I was like “How dare he touch him!” lol. I had known that Red Arrow was the mole already because someone wrote a spoiler comment on YJ Cave so that was a bummer but I didn’t know that Red Arrow didn’t know he was the mole, at least that’s how he acted. This tells us the last episode will be amazing!

This was my review of episode 25 “Usual Suspects” and I truly loved it and “Usual Suspects” is one of my favorites! I really can’t wait for next week’s episode just to see how the team will save the day. Thanks for reading.

-YJ Blogger

p.s. What are your guys’ thoughts on this week’s #25?


  1. My favorite part was when Zatanna made copies of Robin and Robin was like "An Army of Me!" Then it switched to Bain who was like "What The Heck! Oh No!!!"
    Haha. Priceless.

    1. Yeah that was a funny part! Such a cool spell and Zatanna seems to be getting better with her spells.

  2. I loved this episode! I liked Rocket- I think she's my favorite thing about this episode. She's so sassy- she reminds me of my friends. We're all smart alecky buttholes. I loved how Icon was just like, implying that she was on the team. So unlike all the rest of the mentors who concentrated about it so hard that the looks on their faces made me think they were gonna crap themselves. I liked when Artemis kicked er Dad in the face. Fight the man Arty!! I laughed so much at Robins reaction to Supes' confession, and just when I thought his gigantic eyes couldn't get any bigger!
    The best part about this episode may have actually been that my older sister watched it with me. She sat there and put down her IPod. She was asking me questions like every five seconds. Her reaction to Roy being the mole was hilarious!! I was like nodding to myself mumbling about what was gonna happen (Ive already seen the season finale) and theres my sis standing screaming, "WHAT THE HECK? I THOUGHT HE WAS A GOOD GUY? ELIZABETH ARE YOU WATCHING THIS? DID YOU KNOW HE WAS THE MOLE?" Lol, I can't wait to see my Uncles reaction- he's DVRing it.

    1. This episode was the one I was most excited for cus of Rocket :D I was glad Artemis stood up for herself against her dad, she's such a cool character standing up for herself! Ahaha Robin made me laugh every time he said something awesome. I my father did had the same reactions as your sister did! He kept running into the living room talking to me about the episode and was totally shocked about Roy being the mole. Tell us how your Uncle reacts to it!

  3. krissy krissApril 15, 2012

    great review kendra :D i love this Episode and yahoooooooooooo for rocket being on the team

    1. Thanks bro! Yes I loved this episode too. And adding Rocket just made the show even better.

  4. I love this episode too! He's one of my favorites, this,"Bereft" and the last episode, 26! I love Rocket, she's so funny and powerful! Would be really nice if Aqualad date her, maybe on second season! Everybody has a boyfriend-girlfriend now, is so beautiful!!You guys will love the next episode, heros vs. sidekicks!! XD

    1. Rocket and Aqualad would balance each other out. She's more out there and he's calm. Ahaha I know everyone has a love-buddy! I'm excited :D. Omg, the last episode will be so exciting to watch!


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