August 10, 2011

Young Justice Season 2: Invasion Poster!

This is the promo poster for season 2 of Young Justice called "Invasion". Season 2 will have about 10 episodes and the producers said that more characters will be introduced, plus the characters in the YJ team will grow up. Producer Greg Weisman has updated the Young Justice fans by giving this statement about season 2:
"We immediately began work on this new season last week, and are breaking approximately (but not quite) one episode per day. The creative team is fundamentally the same as for Season One.And though, of course, we will be introducing many new characters episodically in Season Two (just as we do episodically in Season One), I don’t want to give the impression that this is some spin-off featuring, I dunno, the League or something, in the same Earth-16 setting. Invasion IS the second season of Young Justice and absolutely features our “Team”. Episode 26 of Season One is time-stamped “December 31″. Episode 1 of Season Two will be time-stamped “January 1″, in essence picking up right where we left off."
What superhero characters would you like to see be introduced in Young Justice next season? And any predictions on what might happen in season 2?


  1. I hope to see Starfire and beastboy in the mix. I also think that "The Mole" is going to be revealed and its up to the Team to stop them from i don't know an Invasion, also Wally and Artemis along with superboy and Megan will get together. But that's just me.

    1. do u see the ep on who the mole was? really mind blowing

  2. Hey Kati,

    If Starfire and beastboy came into the series, so many people would be super happy haha :) I would like to see Wonder Girl and Super Girl make an appearance. Yeah I most def. think that there will be some major fight scenes cus no one wants to be invaded lol. And I hope WallArt and SuperMartian do get together, all the fangirls will start screaming!

  3. I would love to see Traci 13 and Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes aka "Blue 13". There is only one "Disney sidekick" wannabe and that is Jaime Reyes.

  4. Hey Nelson,

    Blue Beetle is really popular. A lot of people been wanting Blue Beetle to make an appearance on the show! :)

  5. Haha I would love to see Wondergirl and Megan fight over super boy I mean wondergirl is his girl friend in the comic we can they be together in the cartoon? also want to see Someone asking Roy aka speedy out. Man I be so freaking happy to watch this again and what happen to all 26 ep there was only 10 aired :[

  6. I really want wonder girl (Cassie) to be on. I really loved the show teen titans and I don't want my idea if the characters in that show to be changed by having them in this show, but that's just me :) Also I want somethings from the comics to be the same as the show, but I'd be glad if the producers just took a different path and made their own story, so that you didn't have an idea of what was going to happen next. Also, is the last episode still scheduled for dec 31st? Because I know that some plans have changed, like that invasion is going to have 20 episodes instead of ten.

  7. I would perfer for episodes 5 to 10 in season 2 of this series to show about Superman,Batman,Wonder Woman,Green Lanthen Hal Jordan,The Flash,Martain Manhunter,Aquaman,Hawkgirl,Captain Marvel,Zatara,Green Arrow,Black Canelry,Red Tornado,Captain Atom,Black Lighting,Little Atom,Hawkman and The Miracle alongside with the Young Justice incudes Superboy,Miss Martain,Robin,Artemis,aqualad,Wonder Girl,Rocket,Zatana,Kids Flash,Supergirl and the Young Lanthen Micheal Kane helping the Legion Of Superheroes to stop Infinie X and the fados five from destorying the Earth of the 31st Centuries. On this ponit of veiw i post everyheroes must put the voice roll on these surgestions. P/s The main heroes of these 6 episopes will be Superman,Superboy,Wonder Woman,Wonder Girl,Batman,Robin,Green Lantern Hal Jordan,The Young Lantern,Captain Marvel,Aquaman,Aqualad,Miss Martain,Martain Manhunter,Hawkgirl,Green Arrow,Artemis,Captain Atom,The Flash,Kid Flash,Supergirl,Rockek,Zatara,Zatana and Black Canelry. Surgested by your sincely Jimmy wills from Nigeria.

  8. um is anyone fogetting speedy aka red arrow

  9. I'll love to see Superboy and Superman get along a tad better this season and to see Supergirl turn up and for Superboy to get jealous of her powers!
    And I want my all time favourite villains to turn up this season too Darkseid and Brainiac!

  10. doomsday...

  11. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    I always liked Kid Devil and Ravage. It would really cool to see those two in the show.

  12. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    I would LOVE to see Starfire, but not really any other Teen Titans characters. I would love to see what you do with her planet and the other alien planets because of the futuristic spin you have been using and her presence would be important because if her relationship with Nightwing/Robin. Also, I would love to see more clarification on some of the characters (background, relationships, why they are the way they are...not too much to take away from the plot, but enough to make you really care about the newer characters and still love the older characters). Also, I would LOVE to find out what happened to Red Arrow/Speedy because the ending of the first season confused me a great deal and I was finally warming up to his character. Kid Flash should be brought back/explained why he is not there because he was definately a favorite in the first season (at least for me).

  13. AnonymousMay 19, 2012

    beast boy is beasting i want kid flash to come up more any think.

  14. AnonymousMay 27, 2012

    Isn't Greg weisman worried that marvel will have a legal dispute over super boy due to the fact that he is hulk like even with the shields he was enraged and got way more powerful. HULK anyone agree anger = superior strength. They should fix superboy with better powers to avoid losing him to marvel. All serious everyone is watchin to see how S.B. will turn out

  15. AnonymousJuly 03, 2012

    Dude, what are you saying? In which Marvel universe that I don't know about does Hulk fly and shoot laser beams when he gets angry? Anyway, Am I the only one Who thinks the archer on the poster is the REAL Speedy? I mean, he is the only other male archer I know that could be on the team right know and he is practically a 13 years old on a 18 years old body.


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