
March 31, 2013

Farewell Post to YJ Cave Readers

Hello YJ Cave readers, I made this farewell post as a thank you to all my blog readers.

As we all know Young Justice the animated series has ended. But focusing on the positive, Young Justice was an amazing show.

I think what made Young Justice so epic is the fact that we got to see almost every genre in the two seasons. From comedy, to drama, to romance, to action & adventure, and some would even say horror. The show had the capability to engage their audience throughout the two seasons. Also the writing and artistry from the Young Justice crew was phenomenal. And the voices from the Young Justice cast has always been excellent.

Though I think what truly got people to fall in love with Young Justice is the connection we fans made with the characters. The characters, though superheros, had human issues. We were able to at times see ourselves in the characters and felt a sense of excitement when we watched them. Always rooting them on. Especially when it came to the romance lol. Young Justice is a perfect example of a TV series connecting to a wide range of ages and cultures.

I started my Young Justice blog, YJ Cave, two years ago on March 12, 2011 and to this day I'm so happy that I did. Though there was the ups and downs from the hiatuses and the show being canceled, I always enjoyed blogging to you all. Not only did I further my love for writing but I learned how incredible DC Comics is. As most of you know before Young Justice I was not into the superhero world, so I started everything from scratch but from the help of friends and YJ Cave readers, I think we all made this blog pretty epic :).

Without Young Justice I would of never met some amazing friends and I'm truly grateful for that. And thank you to all readers who read my blog through out the two years and helped and contributed.

Anyone can still contact me at and you can also contact me on my personal tumblr page or twitter I'm always open to chit chat lol.

Thanks so much for coming to YJ Cave and getting the latest updates and news on Young Justice. Thank you to all the creative fans who allowed me to share their art, music videos, cosplay photos, fanfictions, and much more.

Though I am closing down this blog, I still do believe there is a glimmer of hope for Young Justice. It is just time for me to move on, but I will ALWAYS be a Young Justice fan and will continue to help out getting YJ back on air. Never give up the fight to save our favorite TV shows.

Thank you all and love you.


-YJ Blogger


  1. Oh my God! This is so touching! :'(
    I also believe that there's still hope for Young Justice. It is a great show.
    Thank you for this amazing blog!

    1. Thank you KFArtyLover! You really helped me keep going with this blog with your comments and help <3. I'll miss ya!

  2. I loved your blog, and thank you for everything you did! :) Have a good life!

    1. Thank you so much Annabella :) I hope you have a good life too!

  3. No! D: if a new seasons starts will you start it back up again?

    1. No I won't since I'll be doing other things but I would still watch a season 3 YJ.

  4. Thanks for everything Kendra!
    Its been fun reading your great posts! =)
    Good luck with your future endeavors!
    Young Justice Forever! >=)

    1. Thank yo so much Mayowa! I'm glad you enjoyed reading my blog, I truly appreciate it. I want to thank you for reading my post and commenting on them. You helped tons <3.
      Good Luck to you too.
      Young Justice Forever! :-).


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