
February 24, 2013

The 2013 Young Justice Awards!

The first ever 2013 Young Justice Awards have started! Kenni Davis (blogger for YJ Cave) and Kriss (Host of The Sirk Show 24/7) are hosting the event on YouTube along with other prominent Young Justice fans in the fandom.

Voting for the nominees have already started today and the polls are open for the next two weeks.

The great thing about this award show is that every Young Justice fan can literally be apart of the award show when it airs on YouTube. To see how you can be apart of it and for more information about the award show, watch the video down below.

If you have any questions contact me at or and contact Kriss at his YouTube channel, the Sirk Show 24/7!


  1. Why aren't there any girl friendships included in the "broship" category? Girls can be bros. Or how about a femslash ship included in the shipping categories?

    1. Good idea on that! I'll send out a notice about that category being added to the list. Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Hello,
    My name is Melissa Hickey and I love this idea you and Mr.shirkshiw24/7 (double s 24/7 as me and my friends call him.) umm yeah so mr.s said something about being apart of this in his vid and I was wondering how?
    Always will be a fan,

    1. Hi Marvelgirl12,

      I love that you want to be apart of the award show. You can contact Mr. S and let him know that you want to be apart of the show. He wants people to make a short video on why they love Young Justice or what it means to them and he'll add your video to the award show when it's up on youtube! Make sure to do before the two weeks is up.

      Thank you for the feedback!

    2. OK thanks umm i saw that u added some new voting things can u add this one
      Best Song For Dick Grayson
      1. Shattered by Trading yesterday
      2. Echo by Jason Walker
      3. broken angle by Boyce Avenue
      4. i wont give up by Jason Mraz
      5. Be sombody by Thousand Foot Krutch

  3. hi! firstly i just wanted to say thank you for making and keeping up this wonderful website. i check here often and i love everything about it.:) the young justice awards are a great idea. and im mos def am gonna participate. im also a mod over at and im going to be sure to notify the entire subreddit.we are nearly 3,000 strong. but the reason im making this comment is to notify you of a error in your poll. in the "cutest couple" category you have Bumblebee(karen) paired up with Calvin(lol whoever that is) im thinking it was a typo. its supposed to be Malcolm Duncan aka Guardian. just wanted to let you know so you can fix it asap.:) thanks

    1. Thank you so much, I'm happy you like it :). Thank you for pointing out the typo I fixed it but the whole poll had to be redone. But it's now up and running.

      Thanks for the feedback.

  4. I think this is a great idea. It's a great way to end the show with A bang. I'm really looking forward to it.

  5. I'm a fan of cassie sandsmark as wonder girl love that she go in to season 2 but i was thinking thay whar gona a donna troy first is ok i love the two of them i whant a season 3 so i can see
    jason todd rises as red hood

  6. I don't think Kid Flash belongs in the Needs More Air Time. He has had all of season one in which he was a main character. Put Lagoon Boy or Arsenal in his place, then we can talk. Also, why no season 2 favorite characters except Impulse??? Season 2 Is very under represented here and Season 2 is my favorite by far out of the two seasons. :'(

    1. All the nominees were based on what a majority of Young Justice fans have said over some time.

    2. But what about the people who like ANY of the options? Don't they get a say? There are SO many people who love Lagoon Boy, but here he's only portrayed as negative. I second the write-in vote idea

  7. Why is Miss Martian not on MVP, but Kid Flash is? Why not add 6 spots for each category, so ALL of the main six can be represented in that category? You're basically being biased if you think that Wally is an MVP, but Miss Martian isn't.

    And then on top of that, why is Miss Martian on the Most Disliked character list? I don't understand this. These two grievances together are the reason why these awards are biased. Let people fairly choose their favorite and least favorite characters! There really shouldn't even BE a Most Disliked character category.

    1. dude calm down, she is also on the favorite female list as well since you seem to have overlooked that, but you're right more spots or write in entry never hurts too.

  8. Mayowa FolorunsoFebruary 25, 2013

    So cool! ^_^
    Love this fanbase!

  9. I propose that we change it so the vote's a write-in. That way, people can pick minor characters if they want.

  10. We should have more categories! ^_^
    "Favorite hero/villain Weapon"
    "Favorite Runway hero"
    "Favorite Location in series shown"
    "Favorite Hero and Villain Power"
    "Favorite Season 2 hero/villain"
    Just some new thoughts to freshen things up ^_^

    I guess i agree with the type-in your choice plan as opposed to the limited choices plan, so then people will stop whining about it lol.

  11. jalon gittensMarch 02, 2013

    what about most hated character i feel lagoon boy could win that or sportsmaster even though Crusher is my favorite villian along w/ deathstroke after the complications episode

  12. jay gittensMarch 03, 2013

    R there going to be trophies or anything to give to the winners

    1. There won't really be any awards but maybe something exciting :).

  13. Where do i vote i cant find a link or page anywhere and ive been looking for a while now i really want to vote please answer. (:

    1. It's on the right side of this blog, it's the voting polls.


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