
November 24, 2012

'Young Justice: Legacy' Video Game Delayed

The future video game, Young Justice: Legacy, has been delayed confirms Little Orbit. The game is now set to be released March 2013 instead of Febuarary 2013. A representative from Little Orbit gave this statement:

“We are still working very hard on the game and additional content for distribution. As soon as we have something we will get it out to you. We have not announced a specific ship date as of yet and have always targeted a Q1 2013 date, which has not changed.”

Young Justice: Legacy can be played on PC, Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and Nitendo DS.

Info from worldsfinestonline.


  1. So do you think that this is a good sign or a bad sign for the show?

    1. Well it could be both. Little Orbit did say they are adding more stuff to the game so I don't know if the delay has to do with cancellations.

  2. This is so ridiculous. All the forces of the universe are working against Young Justice! I really feel that YJ is going to get cancelled, which is something that none of us want to hear. CN is acting jerky towards YJ and everytime something awesome happens, it gets shot down. I was so mad that they put another hiatus on YJ right after two amazing episodes! It seems inevitable.

    1. I agree, there's a part me that's like well once YJ comes back on air and it might get good ratings and keep on going. But with all the stuff that's been going on with the YJ franchise, it seems like it will get cancelled.


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