
October 13, 2012

Bad News For Young Justice

Well this morning I went online to check my messages and come to find out that people were pissed off because something went wrong with the scheduling of Young Justice. I of course didn't know this right away because my time zone is like one of the later ones and 10:30am didn't roll around yet. Come to find out the angry posts were true, Young Justice didn't air their #10 episode this morning. Instead Train Your Dragon took it's place. Such sad shit.

Anyways... I'm sure everyone is wondering what the deal is, well worldsfinestonline broke the news, but I'll give you the long story short:

Cartoon Network has decided to cancel all Young Justice episodes and other DC Nation shows for this month, October. Train Your Dragon: Riders of Berk will take it's place with back to back episodes. Cartoon Network has yet to give out a statement about this issue. Cartoon Network decided to change the scheduling last week but no one noticed because Cartoon Network wanted it to go unnoticed as possible. There are reports that it's because Cartoon Network wants to celebrate their 20th birthday....lame.

Everyone in the fandom of Young Justice and other DC Nation shows are very disappointed and I think we have a right to be. Not only are we the ones who make Young Justice and DC Nation Block popular because we give our time being faithful fans but this NOT the first time Young Justice has been kicked around by Cartoon Network. I understand that money, scheduling, and etc. might be involved but at least give us the courtesy of making a bigger announcement so we can all know what the hell is going on.

Producer Brandon Vietti wrote on his twitter this morning:

I hate waking up to bad news. 

I feel sorry for the producers and the creative team that put a lot of their hardwork into the show and Young Justice is constantly being thrown around as if the show doesn't have a huge following.


  1. For real?!?!?!?!?!? We just got off a break! Cartoon Network could at least give it a different time slot. They pull decent shows with depth and plot. I am done watching stuff on Cartoon Network. This isn't the first show it's done this to. From now on, online episodes only.

    //end rant. Sorry bout that.

    1. lol no problem! I like it when people get out the feelings on the blog :) atleast I know i'm not the only one having feelings about this lol. And I don't even watch Cartoon Network only when YJ comes on soo I guess I won't be turning it there for a month.

    2. Same. I only watch it for this and The Clone Wars. (my star wars nerd gets the better of me.)
      Young Justice on saturday mornings makes me all nostalgic for the days of Teen Titans and Justice League.

    3. It was great to watch the cartoon in the morning, lol made me feel like I was doing something good on a Saturday :). And The Clone Wars is really good too.

  2. According to this:, we won't be getting any more "Young Justice" until January. What is wrong with these guys?

    1. Ugh, the way they tweeted that was RUDE! but thank you for the info!!

  3. i feel so the rest of the fandom im confused and angry;today isn't a good day at all.thanks CN! on a lighter note.thank you for the info. its always a pleasure checking a well made site that is constantly updated with quality posts.

    1. Thank you so much wiseonAC, i always try to make the posts good :). And I feel your pain, I'll be posting more bullshit from CN soon.

    2. its no problem at all.:) you obviously dont have to try that hard.:)

      thats great to hear expose the bull shit.

      on a different note have you browsed reddit? its a pretty cool site. and in a "sub-reddit" on there we a a young justice page we are nearly 2,000 a mod over there you should check us out.also could get people to check out your page you know? heres a link to the page. you wont regret it.

      also heres a few "articles" that ive wrote for our subreddit.that you probably would like, and even add some intelligent input on the subject.

      sorry so long :)

    3. I never heard of reddit and I'll most def. check it out! I didn't know there was more YJ stuff out and once I read the articles and browse the website I'll most likely add it too "Other Young Justice Websites" and post about it :). Shoot I should join the community on reddit.

      Thanks for letting me know about this :D.

  4. Okay... What is going on with CN? Really? YJ just got off of a hiatus? 2 really. And cartoon network just shuts it down without giving us notice. Only a tweet with like five words in it? I love YJ and me and my friends are like obsessed with it! But we can't really be obsessed with it of there is nothing to obsess about. Anyways.... Off of my long rant. Really thankful for people who run stuff like this and do news for YJ. I don't have a twitter and have been confused all day as to why Young justice didn't come on this morning. So anyways, Thanks!

    1. CN is really losing their minds. I understand what you're saying, it's hard to be really into something that keeps getting off air and not getting any attention. Makes me worry about the fandom.

      Thank you for reading my stuff and I appreciate it :D.

  5. I can't be surprised by this. They've been jacking around YJ since the first episode of the first season. They premiered it in November 2010, then we had to wait until mid-January 2011 for a new episode. Then after episode 9, they took six months off! Then there was a four month break after episode 18. Season Two is no surprise - after episode 7, they took off for almost three months, came back for two episodes, and now we have to wait another three months to start back up again.

    Personally, I'm done. This show is good, but it's not worth paying attention to or caring about if this is how CN is going to handle it. At the rate they're going, it will *literally* take three years to put out two seasons' worth of a show. Well, if I hear about new episodes, I'll watch, but I'm not marking my calendar.

    1. Wow you have the history of how CN is bullshitting! I might have to blog what you wrote :) Of course I would give you credit for it though!

      :( I was worried that people would start to feel the way you do but I understand why though.



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